OpenUtilities Substation Help

Printer Driver Configuration Dialog, General Tab

Displays general information about the selected printer driver configuration file. It also includes a Display Label control that determines how the printer driver is identified in the Print dialog's printer list. The General tab appears in the Printer Driver Configuration dialog.

File Name Displays the selected printer driver configuration file's file name and location.
Driver Determines how the printer driver is identified in the Print dialog's printer list.
Display Label Determines how the printer driver is identified in the Print dialog's printer list. This display label gives the CAD administrator more flexibility in how printer driver configurations are identified, other than just the file name.
Note: It is recommended that you set the display label when you create a new printer driver configuration file, in order to prevent duplicate labels in the printer list. The MS_PRINTERLIST_VISIBILITY variable may be used to show .pltcfg file names instead of display labels, if desired.
Notes This is a text field in which you can enter notes.